Offering Forex & brokerage offshore Licenses in Seychelles. FX/Forex, CFDs, Futures, Managed Accounts, Commodities and more. Best value for money, fast turnaround and tax free!
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One of the most versatile securities brokerage licenses worldwide! This License can be useful for Brokerage firms, mutual or hedge funds who may have clients wishing to invest in securities which may not be permissible, or must comply with onerous and costly compliance of their resident jurisdiction. Such investments can be done through an entity incorporated in Seychelles, which is licensed to carry on Securities dealing business thereby bypassing these constraints legally.
We offer you a full package including one local/international Bank Account
Financial Authorities worldwide are trying to impose strict rules and increase entry barriers (such as enormous capital requirements), trying to dissuade small & medium-sized companies from this business area.
One of the solutions we offer is Seychelles Foreign Exchange (FX) License. It is a relatively new product, but it already gained acceptance and popularity from many FX firms, offering Foreign Exchange services to their customers worldwide.
Important Facts About Seychelles
The national currency of Seychelles is the Seychellois rupee. Initially tied to a basket of international currencies, it was unpegged and allowed to be devalued and float freely in 2008 on the presumed hopes of attracting further foreign investment in the Seychelles economy.
Important Facts About Seychelles
Seychelles has emerged as the least corrupt country in Africa in the latest Corruption Perception Index report released by Transparency International in January 2020.
We offer a full package set-up for a Seychelles brokerage Forex license. We will assist you every step of the way to ensure your confidence and trust. Our full package offered includes all mandatory requirements needed for a successful registration and renewal as well as for ongoing compliance with Seychelles forex broker license from the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA).
Looking for help? Get in touch with us